Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Family History Depends on Love

Here are two quotes by President Gordon B. Hinckley, prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, concerning family history and temple work.
"Let love become the lodestar of our lives. ... The holy priesthood is among us; its powers extend beyond the veil of death. In the sacred houses which we call temples, there is opportunity to do for others that which they cannot do for themselves. As surely as Christ offered Himself a vicarious sacrifice for all mankind, so we can engage in vicarious service in behalf of some of mankind, thus affording them the opportunity to move forward on the road of immortality and eternal life. Great is this work of love which goes on in these holy houses.

~President Gordon B. Hinckley ("Let Love Be the Lodestar of Your Life," Ensign, May 1989).

"Going hand in hand with this increased temple activity is an increase in our family history work. The computer in its various ramifications is accelerating the work, and people are taking advantage of the new techniques being offered to them. How can one escape the conclusion that the Lord is in all of this? As computer facilities improve, the number of temples grows to accommodate the accelerated family history work."

~President Gordon B. Hinckley ("Welcome to Conference," Ensign, Nov. 1999).