Monday, January 1, 2007

Reason for the Journey

The title "Life is a Homeward Journey" comes from a quote by President Boyd K. Packer who wrote:
'Life is a homeward journey for all of us, back to the presence of God...' (see Ensign, May 1987)
The journey home has many facets but our families and testimonies of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are what truly matters.

There will certainly be many postings on family history and temple work (from a LDS perspective) because I have spent so many years pursuing elusive ancestors. Family history research (whether my husband's heritage or my own) has led me to wonderful experiences throughout the years. My heart has been turned to many people on both sides of the veil.

Some postings will concern missionary work. This seems appropriate as our son is serving as an LDS missionary in Eastern Europe. It has been a life-changing event for our entire family. We have all learned a great deal together regarding missionary work.

Other aspects of life add sparkle to our days and depth to our character. They enrich our lives and so I expect some of them will be included here.

It is not apparent where creating this blog "Life is a Homeward Journey" will take me but I think it will be another way for me to share a part of my heart with others.