Monday, February 25, 2008

Outstanding Article about Family History

An outstanding article about family history was published in last year's "Ensign".

Here is the reference: George D. Durrant, “Branching Out on Your Family Tree,” Ensign, Apr 2007, 44–47.

This article is one of the best on family history from the "Ensign" in recent years.

One reason I appreciate this article so much stems from the practical and wise approach of Br. Durrant. He doesn't just tell us to "do family history" but gives ideas of how we can accomplish this great task.

The main idea that Br. Durrant proposes is that we trace our family tree back and then we follow the descendants of ancestors. This way we can submit other descendants of our ancestors -- as long as we keep our integrity and remember not to submit work that falls within the "rights of precedence" timeframes.

The article quotes President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

"Members of the Church as individuals and families are responsible to identify their own direct-line ancestral families and see that temple ordinances are performed for them. They may also do family history research and temple work for their deceased relatives who are collaterally related (not their direct lines).”

Apparently the Church is reminding members to gather and submit the names of other descendants from common ancestors. This used to be so difficult to accomplish because it is more difficult to trace descendants than ancestors.

Today there are some other ways to find descendants now that weren't available before -- ie. FamilySearch Indexing and the resulting indices.

We have many resources which have not been available even a few years ago. By learning how to use these resources, we can locate other members of our families.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spiritual Thoughts to Ponder
from President Gordon B. Hinckley

The world has never seen a temple builder like President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) who died late last month.

We were so fortunate to have had this wise leader leading the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for nearly thirteen years. We will truly miss him!!

Here are some of my favorite quotes from President Hinckley:

"Every ordinance that can be performed in the Salt Lake Temple, the largest in the Church, can be performed in these smaller temples.” ~ “This Great Millennial Year,” Ensign, Nov 2000.

“I challenge every father and husband to see that he is worthy to take his wife and children to the temple. There is nothing in all this world that will substitute for it. It is the greatest blessing that can come to any couple. Don’t put it off. If you need to repent, begin today and qualify to receive a temple recommend” (member meeting, Santiago, Chile, Mar. 11, 2006). ~ “Inspirational Thoughts”, Ensign, Feb 2007.

"I think of all the things of which I may be proudest, and I don’t mean that in an evil sense, is the fact that ever since I went on a mission I’ve had a temple recommend in my pocket. I have one in there now. It is my credit card with the Lord, and I am grateful for it” (meeting, Lowell, Massachusetts, 15 Oct. 1998). ~ "Inspirational Thoughts”, Ensign, Aug 2000.

“We have laid upon us as a people a greater charge, a greater responsibility than any other people have ever had in the history of the world. We are responsible for [taking] the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who have lived upon the earth, to all who now live upon the earth, and to all who will yet live upon the earth. No other people have had so great a responsibility as that. God bless the faithful Latter-day Saints who carry in their hearts the love and respect of the great doctrine of the eternity of the family and of the tremendous doctrine of proxy work for the dead.” (Conference, Salt Lake Jordan Utah Stake, 31 January 1999 ~ “Words of the Living Prophet”, Liahona, Nov 2001.