Monday, June 9, 2008

Temples in these Latter Days

One of the best websites for learning about the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is known as 'LDS Church Temples'.

Here is the link:

As of today, June 9th, the Church has 126 operating temples. Other temples are under construction (8 temples) or in the planning stages (6 temples).

The complete list of all the LDS Temples are found on the website, along with the latest news, schedules, photographs, dedicatory prayers, and other information.

For instance, there are photographs and information concerning the newest LDS temple in Curitiba, Brazil. It was dedicated on Sunday, June 1st by President Thomas S. Monson and even the dedicatory prayer is included on the website.

Some of the photographs on the website document the construction and area around the various temples.

It is even possible to download photographs for a computer desktop which is something I have done for several years. It is fun to change the photograph on my desktop to reflect the seasons, my current genealogical research, or just my mood.