Friday, March 2, 2012

Eternal Families

Why do members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints research their family histories and perform ordinances in the Holy Temples?

We believe that families may be linked together with love and through the sealing ordinances found only in the House of the Lord.

Families are not only an institution for mortality but can be eternal.
"There perhaps is no theological doctrine of the Church that more intimately affects the life of the Latter-day Saint, be he man, woman, or child, than the doctrine of the eternity of the family unit. It brings hope, comfort, and promise to the Latter-day Saint. It motivates action in keeping the commandments of the Lord. It gives joyful purpose in life. As with all things, however that are rich in promise and genuinely rewarding, it exacts of each one of us its toll in adequately meeting our responsibilities toward home and family life as directed by the Father." (Belle S. Spafford, former General President of the Relief Society.)
The doctrine of eternal families is an essential part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Eternal families are only possible because of the atonement of the Savior, who gave everything so that we might have eternal life (see St. John 3:16).

When the storms of life come (as they surely will) and hammer down on our homes, the principles of eternal marriage and families sealed together bring peace and security to each family member. The difficulties may be severe but it is easier to overcome the tribulations when we recognize we are on the same team.

Working to have an eternal family means that we strive to support and love one another. We aim for unconditional love in a world which seeks for self interests above the interests of the entire family.

While none of us are perfect, we can have joy and happiness in spite of the challenges of life.

To achieve this love between spouses and between parents and children requires unconditional love and a desire that our family will be happy. A good blueprint for family relationships may be found in the discourse on charity by the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians Chapter 13).

The covenants we make in the temples provide families with the faith and love to endure -- no matter what happens. Family members gain an eternal perspective which encourages us to choose the right and see the goodness in each other.

Our Wedding Day
Washington, D.C. Temple

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we learn about the eternal nature of families in our various lessons. We are taught that Heavenly Father established the family to be together through all the future generations. What we do in our families really does matter and has eternal consequences.

At Church, we sing about forever families in our hymns and in Primary songs. In fact, "Families can be Together Forever" and "I Love to See the Temple" are favorites by chidren and adults alike.

This week I noticed a video clip on which explores the doctrine of eternal families. I have included the link for this uplifting message at the end of my post.

Increase your understanding of the Lord’s purpose for families and of the blessings He makes available to them.